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New Hair

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New Hair Empty New Hair

Post by Guest Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:47 am

Okay so my mom is a hair stylist. She can't stand my hair and she wants to cut it. My hair used to be longer but then she cut it really short (like above my ears) and now she's saying that I should let her cut it into a bob or something. I'd rather have a long bob than above my ears again, but I don't know what kind I should let her cut it into. Any suggestions?


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New Hair Empty Re: New Hair

Post by Guest Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:49 am

Hm. xD My sister has been attempting to get my to cut my hair into a fauxhawk or to shave my head, so I know how you feel. Its hard to know what to do. I would say ask your mom if you can grow it past your ears and that she can layer it maybe? Just tell her how you feel, that youd like to keep it kind of long.


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New Hair Empty Re: New Hair

Post by Guest Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:54 am

Well it is past my ears now...and it is layered, but she says it still has no shape and it's just kind of hanging there. My hair is naturally curly, so I straighten it sometimes, and other times I don't know what to do with it. It's at the just-above your shoulders stage, so there isn't much I can do, and what's worse is, my mom wants me to have regular bangs like I do now, not the kind that's only on one side, like...going across your face or whatever everyone has nowadays because she says "Your hair will hang in your face that way, and your face is too pretty to hide" and such things.


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New Hair Empty Re: New Hair

Post by The Great Escape Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:11 pm

you have REALLLY thik hair i can see that in your picture .. but you also have a lot of it .. so bobs are gona make your hair seem thicker and fuller ... not a bad thing if you get the right hair cut
this is a really nice cut for short hair. but it would use manitnence .. but every hairstyle needs maitence xD .. but you would need to use moose at the roots in the back and a straightener xD ... [ceramics are the easiest on your hair]... but this hairstyles works for everyone and ever shape and every color :]
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New Hair Empty Re: New Hair

Post by emily.knows.all Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:42 pm

I have curly hair too. Try a reverse bob. It can be longer and it can be shorter. It all depends on how you like it. There's lots of layers and you can do millions of things with it. Put it in two little ponytails, one ponytail, headband, bow, barrettes, clips, whatever. I also have the bangs going across my forehead lol.

It looks a little different with curly hair though. Here's two (bad) pictures of my haircut. (My little sister took the pictures lol) The back is more rounded than it shows in the pictures. I had a bow in so it kinda messed up the symmetrical shape lol.


HPIM8327 ,this one looks like i'm taking a dump....yeah.....
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