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Something All the Guys Should Read.

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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by Guest Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:05 am

Some of the girls here got together and made a list. A list of what we love about guys and what we hate. This comes from our hearts, and this is how we feel. To some of the guys here, you may wanna read this. We're not telling you who posted what, we'd like to keep our thoughts somewhat private. We may add to this later, but here's what it is so far.

1. I love it when a guy hugs me from behind.
But I hate it when he squeezes you like a balloon.

2. I love when a guy takes time away from his favorite thing to spend time with me. ♥
However, I hate when a guy goes on about another girl in front of me. Yeah. I'm jealous. lol

3. I love when a guy gives you a special song
However, I hate it when it turns out to be about "obeying your master" =/

4. I love it when they excite me.
Love should be like. Well. Like Lightning.
Dangerous, but bright and beautiful.
And I love when you find that in a guy. If a guy can truly make you feel that way, then you are one of the lucky ones.
And oh, I hate losing that.

5. I love it when guys will walk away with you just to talk to you.
But I hate when they try to act cool, and wind up being jerks or idiots.

6. I love it when they argue with your friends about who loves you more.
But I don't like it when you tell them that someone did you wrong, and they don't do a thing about it.

7. I love it when they make you feel so special as if you're the only one for them.
I hate it when after they make you feel so special- they leave.

8. I love it when they listen to you and think your interesting, no matter what you say.
But I hate it when they get angry that your saying something they don't understand.

9. I love it when they play fight with you
But I hate it when it turns into a real argument over nothing.

10. I love when they chase after you in a game, but always go easy on you.
But I hate when they pout when you get them back.

11. I love when they promise to do something- then follow through with it.
I hate it when they break promises :[

12. love when they get so jealous. ♥
I hate when they make you jealous and don't care that they hurt you...

13. I love when they randomly say 'I love you'
I hate when they stop saying it altogether...

14. I love when they make SURE to say I love you before you go to sleep. Even when you're mad at them.
However, I hate when I feel like it's another weight on my shoulders...

15. I love when they care if your mad, even if your not.
But I hate when they ignore you because their (Censored).

So Guys, please take this to heart, and consider how we feel. Not all guys are bad, and we don't want to make you think that you are. But we know how we feel, and we know what we want. We just wish that some guys would actually pay attention, and listen.


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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by The Unnamed Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:14 am

I can almost tell which one of you wrote a few of them... Because of grammar, mostly. xP Joking.

That was really cool and helpful, a lot of us guys don't know all of this stuff. Thanks. :)

The Unnamed
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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by Guest Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:18 am

Just remember we were being nice. xD


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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by Guest Tue Apr 27, 2010 11:01 pm

We have some more for you guys, so here ya go.

16. I love it when they get just close enough to you to ALMOST kiss them.
I hate it when they keep doing it after a while, though. And you don't get an actual kiss.

17. I love when they stare at you when they think your not looking.
But I hate when they act weird if you look their way.

18. I love it that they think of crying as blackmail, and try to comfort you.
But I hate it when they're the ones that made you cry, and don't understand that.

19. I love when they squirm at things you say.
I hate when they won't believe you on other things you tell them.

20. I love it when I hear about guys who are mature enough to wait for a girlfriend until AFTER they graduate from college and get a job. Patience is definetly awesome.
However, I hate it when they yell at you because you are trying to act nice towards them when they are playing a video game. >.<

21.I love it when they're true, and nobody else is on their mind.
I hate it when they aren't, and you never really are and you never really were.

22. I love it when they repeat the one word you said weird over and over just to tease you
but I hate when they walk the other way because they're embarrassed of something

23. I love when they persistently pursue and try to win you.
I hate when they cross that thin line between "pursuing" and "flat out creepy stalking"
Sometimes you gotta move on, guys.

24. I love when they call you their gorgeous girl. ♥
I hate when they don't compliment you at all.

25. I love when your alone and they come over to supposedly work but wind up talking to you.
But i hate when they don't stay to keep talking =(

26. I love it when they tell you you'll always be friends, no matter what. Promise.
I hate it when that promise gets broken..

27. I love when they fight to keep you.
I hate how sometimes, it's just not enough...

28. I love it when they're all lovey.
I hate it when they admit they were leading you on...

There ya go! Until next time. Over and out. *Bows*


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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by michellejt14 Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:37 am

I love this <3 All true.
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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by Guest Thu May 13, 2010 8:40 am

*Ahem* Time for more? =P Guys maybe you should do the same thing, only about girls XD

29. love when they kiss your cheek and stare into your eyes. ♥
I hate when they won't look at you at all.

30. I love when they just randomly come over and take whatever your doing to look at it.
But I hate when they forget your in a conversation and walk away.

31. I love when you say you'll be somewhere and they tell you they can't wait till you come back.
But I hate when they don't care, or just act like they don't..

32. I love when they try to get into a conversation, even if they don't understand it!
But I hate when they drop a conversation BECAUSE they don't understand it.

33. I love when they're always understanding.
I hate when they make you feel guilty because they ARE so understanding.

34. I love when they help you out and tell you your doing awesome in a sports game. even when you suck ssooooo bad.
But I hate when they try to do EVERYTHING for you, even when your perfectly capable.

34. I LOVE when they want something just as much as you do.
I hate when they don't have anything in common with you.

35. I love when they hang out with you and ALMOST flirt but not quite there =P
But I hate when they act like they don't want to hang out at all.

36. I love when they randomly call you out of the blue, for no particular reason at all.
I hate when they promise to call you, then break that promise.

37. I love when they talk to you about who you like.
But I hate when they don't get that its them xD

38. I love when they talk about you to other people like you're everything to them.
But I hate it when it starts getting nasty.

39. I love, love, love when they kiss you like you're the best thing they've ever seen.
But I hate it when you have to pull away.

40. I love it when all they make you do is smile.
But I hate it when all they make you do is cry...

41. I love when they hold you tight and pull you close.
I hate when they have to let go.

42. I love it when they tell other people they love you so much.
I hate it when it doesn't work out.

43. I love when they overuse "xD".
I hate when there is NO "xD" in a conversation... Serious time.

44. I love when they act all suprised when another guy hugs you (like REALLY hugs you)
But I hate when they won't give you a hug at all xD


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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by Andrew94 Thu May 13, 2010 10:23 am

ahahaahahahaha Good stuff girls!!

Guys read it or pay for not reading it !

its your choice!
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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by Dag264 Fri May 14, 2010 10:46 am

The Unnamed wrote:I can almost tell which one of you wrote a few of them... Because of grammar, mostly. xP Joking.

*cough* Sammy...*cough*
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Something All the Guys Should Read. Empty Re: Something All the Guys Should Read.

Post by xBellex Fri May 14, 2010 7:36 pm

I love this, it's all so true!
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