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Why r we well some of us

Dr. Bri
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Scratch Why r we well some of us

Post by pitbulls Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:53 pm

why r sum of us soooo obsessed with guys i mean i no i can be but i mean come on theres more to life then boys i just wanna no why hell imm a gurl and dont even no how gurls think and feel and i luuuv it id rather live life without all the heartbreaks cause of guys id rather be heartbroken about wat i think is important all i wanna no is y and i promise not to argue well i will a lil lol jk. Im just curious i mean call me wat u want but ive been with guys and havent seen the joy lol
~Jill~ o ya i do still luv guys i just wana no wats with the obbsession lol
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Dr. Bri Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:52 pm

I'm not obsessed haha lol. I really actually wish I had a boyfriend but I dont know any guys except for one and he's a jerk...haha it's depressing. Yeah I dunno either rizzleness lol.

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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by bandbaby Sat Mar 17, 2007 10:53 am

Theres also more to life then dogs Jill...

And Im not completetly 'guy obessed'.

I work.

I volunteer at a preschool.

Thats 'worthwhile'.

And the only way.

To not make mistakes twice.

Is to do them once.


You have to be a little guy obessed.

And let yourself get hurt.

So that when it happens again.

You can deal.
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by bluewaterlily Sat Mar 17, 2007 7:27 pm

Well, here's a person with a steady head on her shoulders. Smile
I don't run after guys, in fact, I'm disgusted by most of them. I have crushes, but no one has managed to sweep me off my feet yet. Call my standards unrealistic, but even if I have to die an old maid, so be it. I'd rather do that then end up married to a lemon.

You will never catch me being guy-obsessed. I'm devoted to my interests (if anyone thinks my only one is Egypt, then they need to get to know me more), and guys will always remain in the background, unless I marry one.

You should still talk to guys (they have a lot of cool, non-romantic things to talk about! Like sports or video games!), but being obsessed with them is not necessary at all.
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by PandaGurl Sun Mar 18, 2007 11:20 am

That's true.

I'm not guy-obsessed either...I think if you like someone you can get carried away oftentimes...but basically, just look for the right one, instead of looking for someone NOW lol...for instance, I would recommend only dating guys who you can picture yourself someday perhaps marrying. Because that is the purpose of dating, after all.

and Alanna's right, guys are fun to talk to about video games and sports....I also find their advice pretty good. And they usually don't talk too much, so they're good secret keepers. If you're looking for some person to occupy your time or something, I would recommend finding a guy to be friends with lol, it worked for me. Smile
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Kristi Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:21 am

i think daph, alanna, and rhea all made some good points. i do think that getting a little guy obsessed isn't a bad thing if you learn from it and it helps you realize guys can't fufill all your needs but i definitely think some mistakes shouldn't be made just for the purpose of learning not to do it again. because some mistakes can ruin lives if only done once but i won't go into that. i agree that guys are fun to talk to about non romantic stuff and they sometimes have good advice and heck sometimes they're just less serious than girls and it makes them fun to talk to. but i don't think it's good to ignore friends of your same gender just cuz of a boy. and rhe i totally agree with what you said about dating. too many people start dating too young and end up nowhere.
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by pitbulls Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:13 am

thx i think... and daph dogs are my passion and atleast i found one and its not a stupid one i dont think atleast and i guess u all answered well sort of thanks Smile
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:35 am

yeah well i dont talk about guys all the time.. But its like this,
Since we talk on chat site, and dont really know eachother or friends of our outside of Pacyber, What else is there to talk about.. i mean saying im bored and stuff gets old really fast..but guys there is always something to say about them


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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by The Great Escape Mon Mar 19, 2007 11:43 am

uhhhh ... pretty much all of you know me and i can seem like i'm obsessed with guys (which i'm not) ... i hate to say what i'm about to but this is what i think ... guys are like a game .... it's called THE GAME OF GIRL PUBERTY ........ this is sort of long and what i think about life more than guys and it will go on till you move out! there are 10 levels ... there is no game over .... and there's no restart button. you must go through the game and finish puberty. it's not exactly like life but it gives you a good idea and it might be a little bit mixed up

your life lines - you have __ best friend[s] and __ friends. The object of the game is to make life easier and keep your friends as you go along. you start at age 12 and as you go through the levels you become older, you learn more, and you meet people and have to deal with them.

level 1 - middle school: king
You and your best friend meet a ton of new people. Your friends, boys, teachers, and the popular girl who asks you to hang out with her at lunch. you have to pick you choice to trust her or sit with you friends. Your teacher gives you homework on the first day of class! you choose if you do it. on the bus ride home a cute boy asks you to sit with him. you choose if you want to sit with him. and OH NO! pimples! those nasty suckers have to go.

level 1 1/2 - trusty summer: Suspect
your first summer where you get to go out more because your parents are trying to see how much they can trust you. you will get put to a test

level 2 - 7th grade: sofa
you start going to parties and having more oportunities and you choose if you want to be close with your parents or far away! you chose your friends and you make new ones. you chose if you lost your friends over guys wrong choices or blowing them off for diffrent people or if you didn't loose your friends at all and stayed loyal. Now you star choosing what you where and get juged by people and get tested on if you let them take control.

level 2 1/2 - not over yet =P: Wall
this summer you get to go to camp! you choose what type, basketball, christian, cheerleading, horse, you name it. but you have to go with your best friend because she's in florida with her family. you find out how much you rely on your best friend

level 3 - your last year in middle school: :woot:
more presures. do you have a boyfriend yet ? if so here's where you start choosing how far you go with him. you get put to the test. and if not, here's where you might be getting one. you still choose who you hang out with. what disions you choose are up to you. and there's no turning back. if you are not happy with a disison you have to either live with it ... or try and make it better. you can't tell which is the better dision.

level 4 - summer!: :banana:
amusment parks, swimming parties, bowling, or just hanging out. there's no school and you're a free spirit. here's where you get put to the altimate middle school test. STEALING. it's the altimate temptation. the people you have chosen to hang out with will put you to the test of steeling something. even if it's just a piece of gum. now you ask yourself, have you chosen the right people ?

level 5 - high school: Tongue Out
you get time to relax and you put up with the older people and someone has a crush on you! what do you do ? plus you start getting guy friends which will be a majore help in the upcoming levels. but you choose to keep them or not.

level 6 - backstabing summer: pale
one of your friends totally riped on you! she told eveyone that your a whore! and now your afriad to go back to school or you can't wait for the revenge!

level 7 - OMG what do i do?!?!?!?!: affraid
all the girls are giving you dirty looks in a rude way and the boys are giving dirty looks in a dirty way. more of the guys are slapping your butt and on top of that, people start offering you drugs. and on top of that you best friend moves away after the first nine weeks. you still keep in touch and your don't know what to do. did you keep your guy friends? do you still have a boyfriend ? right now you get to choose if your going to start depending on boys or if you going to hang out with your self because all the girls hate you. and you also choose if you start choosing what your going to do with drugs and alcohol. do you think they will still be your friends if you don't do it. or are you dying to try some?

level 8 - parents perents parents parents perents parents parents perents parents parents perents parents: blahblah
they come back ! or maybe worse ? maybe you have to start depending on your parents more often this year. remeber your grandparents are getting old and they might be going into surgery more often. on top of everything else you get to start driving this year! are you going to or do you not want to drive?

level 9 - 11th grade:
you learn a lot more about death and love and true friendship so keep your eye's and ears open because some people need to talk and you need to listen it might even be vise versa

level 10 - desions: elephant study farao santa Pray Boo Hoo flower dance Twisted Evil Like a Star @ heaven alien monkey cat pig Hand banned Cool Idea Basketball jocolor
ok it's your last year in school! you should have a job by now but that is your desion. are you going to colage? are you getting married ? it's all up to you !

ummm to get my point in here guys are a part of life and without them there's just something missing
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Guest Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:02 pm

lol...jw how long did it take you to write that.


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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by pitbulls Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:05 pm

very nice leana i liked it but see my lines r friends, aquantinces and enemys there is no in between and the best friends r save for the thing that really matter to me the most well some people r in the best friend catagory but only like 3 and the rest are animals that i luv and life of course even though life thanks Very Happy
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by The Great Escape Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:45 pm

uhhhh it probably took me like and hour ... maybe 2 ... lol ... and i'm glad i helped !
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Kristi Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:30 pm

Lol wow leana. i give you credit for sitting there for like two hours typing that. i see what you are saying about when you're going through puberty all these different things are happening(not exactly that way and in that order for everyone) and the whole guy thing can't be avoided. guys are just there and they're fun to talk about, but i don't think being obsessed with them is good but it just happens sometimes.
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by The Great Escape Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:36 pm

yeah haha tanks
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:43 pm

I am not obsessed with guys at all.
I mean like I will say "Ooh, he is cute."
But like only in my head and I will keep going.
I dont want guys to be my obsession and to like be the center of my like so I dont obsess about it.
Now I do know some people who center their whole life around guys.
No-one on here but yeah.

I mean yeah I have guy friends but I have never taken it past a friend. And I have never looked at my guy friendships in a different way then just friends. And I dont really think that they have looked at me either in that way. I have so many friends that lose friendships bc they had a guy friend that they thought were hot and they took it past friends. I dont want that to happen to me. That is one of the reasons why I keep most of that stuff to myself. And bc my cousin and brothers will tease me. lol.
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Kristi Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:39 pm

Lol wow brittany. That is good insight. Yeah, the whole taking it past friends things can definitely mess things up.
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:19 am

Yes it can.
I have seen it happen to other friends.
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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by limetiger Thu Apr 19, 2007 4:54 pm

I haven't read everything in detail, but I kind of agree with Jill's first post.

And I feel like I live on a different planet then the rest of you.

Edit: I read it all now, I kind the list the one of you made was really funny (Sorry I'm terrible with remembering names Sad ) It does seem realistic for some people, but I don't feel like I can relate to any of it (well maybe a slight bit if I really look at it and think).

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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:06 pm

leana? the one where she like listed stages?


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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by limetiger Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:17 pm

Yes, Thanks.

That was what I was talking about.

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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:38 pm

lol...i thought that was cool..i never could put it in words. lol


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Scratch Re: Why r we well some of us

Post by limetiger Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:42 pm

I thought it was funny, however on a personal level it is not very accurate.

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