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Tinker 101 pm problem

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Tinker 101 pm problem Empty Tinker 101 pm problem

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:20 am

Hey Tinker101 couldnt send Private Messages. So i looked in admin panel, and saw it said "allow sending of private messages" off: so i clicked it on. I dont know if you changed it on purpose, and i wasnt suposed to change it or, it was just somthing wierd that happend but if i wasnt suposed to plz change back.

SOo ya problem solved just letting you know.


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Tinker 101 pm problem Empty Re: Tinker 101 pm problem

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:22 am

Double post dont care!

lol ok sorry, Josh just informed me that there were complaints about her, so i turned them off again, so ...ya

sry i didnt know.


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