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School Advice.

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School Advice. Empty School Advice.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:09 pm

i went to my new school today for orientation, the ran through the school day as if it were real, except, we were only in each class for 8 minutes. I dont know when I have lunch they had lunch before they started. I dont know when the bus comes to my house. I have no clue who to sit with at lunch. Today the caf. was JAM PACKED full of people. I sat at the table with the forgein exchange studen(who only spoke like 10 words in english the rest chinese), and this weird girl with a big bushy mustache, and some other new girl that didnt even say one word the whole day. And these 9th grade boys kept coming and sitting down next to me and saying hi then walking away and laughing. it was odd. and i knew one of them(just by my friends myspace never talked to him i just knew who he was) he did the same thing, and right before i asked him if he knew my friend, he walked away. Very odd. And they took my waterbottle away. It was brand new never opened and I didnt know that was supposed to not have it in the auditorium. One of my teachers asked me what school I came from and everyone except for this girl who came from a private school, laughed. idk why though. hmmmm....idk that probly makes no sense but idk what to do or anything and so far i hate all the kids there and i only like 3 of my teachers.
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School Advice. Empty Re: School Advice.

Post by Not Gregory Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:09 am

Sounds like my old school. I really hated high school. People just don't understand one another. Also kids think it is so cool to pick on people... That's the main reason I left mine for Pa cyber.... but yeah I suggest first off finding a few friends or at least one good one to sit by in the caf., It sucks sitting alone. Most teachers at public schools don't really seem to care either. It seems like they always play favorites and it's always the Sports stars! I hated all my teachers... All I can really say is good luck! Not much advice except don't feel like you have to fit in and do everything everyone wants you to do. Stay yourself no matter what!
Not Gregory
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School Advice. Empty Re: School Advice.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:36 am

Thank you for that. I am deff going to be myself. But, idk. The trouble is that there are so many kids there that I really do not want to associate myself with. I just hope that I miss that crowd come friend making crowd.

But thank you for that advice. It is going to help.
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School Advice. Empty Re: School Advice.

Post by bandbaby Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:32 am

Its highschool.

People are judgemental and cruel.

The best you can do is find people in some of your electives who you get along with. I say electives because if their taking the class, they must have some interest in it, as do you, so there at least one thing in common!

Lunch, usually its seperated, we have A, B and C lunch, A is before 5th period, B is during, and C is after. Sit with someone from one of your classes, ask them during class.

All the guys are idiots and only have one thing on their mind. I had 4 guys put their arm arouns my waist/shoulders the first day. Just tell them to back off and walk away.

Good luck! It isnt as horrible as it seems! First day is rough, I would know, but my 2nd was fine!
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School Advice. Empty Re: School Advice.

Post by xo4everxo Tue Sep 04, 2007 12:58 pm

Hey! I'm so sorry to hear about that. As bandbaby said( sorry I dont know your name) kids in high school these days are cruel!
And its even cruel that they did that when it was your first day.
And they dont even know you. I'm so sorry, I hope that things will change for you!!!
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