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Advice Please.

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Advice Please. Empty Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:36 pm

I wasnt going to post this here. And Bri I still want your advice. But I need advice quick.

I am going to use names so that I dont confuse myself.
I am 15, supposed to be a sophmore but when I transferred to Oxford I didnt have enough credits to there standards to pass 9th grade. So anyway. My friend, Anna, who is a freshman got asked out by a senior, Greg. Greg is very nice, funny, cute but not hot, good personality. Well, when he asked Anna out, they wound up getting in a big fight and hating each other, until last night, at homecoming. They were all friends and stuff. But uhm, on the way home from church( I go with Anna to church if I miss going to mine and I go on wensdays to her youthgroup) Anna was talking to Greg on her cell and he was saying that he likes this girl and whatnot but he wouldnt tell her bc greg thought anna would get mad. By the time we got home she was still on the phone with him so we went outback to be by ourselfs so that she could talk in peace. Well greg told anna to tell me that I looked nice today. I was like Thank you. And then this is what I heard from the rest of the conversation.

"can I tell her......fine I wont.........I promise Greg I wont.....Im not mad.....really im not."

Then when we went inside Anna was like I think Greg likes you. Then she was like "im not mad and he thinks I am." And like a little later they were on the phone and Anna was like "No I didnt tell her. I promise why would I" then she looked and me and smiled bc she did tell me. And I am starting to wonder if he is being like that to get back at Anna bc she is upset and surprised she said. But now I dont know what to do. Please help me! =/
I really dont wanna get anna mad if I find out he does like me bc i sorta like him. and I have for awhile but anna doesnt know that and I just dont know what to do. I need advice soon bc I see him everyday at lunch and I know tomorrow he will probably come up to me instead of just saying hi as he walks past.
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:47 am

Oh My! Well first thing i would do is tell anna about how you feel. Tell her you kind of like him but you won't go out with him if it would hurt her too much (if thats how u feel about it)

And well go from there?

I'm not good in the boyz department. lol


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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:15 pm

Thanks Jackie. That helped. The only thing is is that Anna is sensitive and gets mad easily. Anna asked me last night (with a smile on her face and while she was texting an unknown person) if he asked me out if I would say yes. I told her that I really was unsure. Bc I am. And then she was like "really? this makes me so happy!" I was like ok. why. and then she just said idk it just does. i dont get it and idk.
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by Guest Mon Sep 24, 2007 5:14 pm

Hm...Well obviously her comment can have 2 meanings. She's glad you're thinking about it, or she's glad that you aren't DEFINITELY going to say yes. Hm...Any other girls wanna help me?


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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:21 am

i think if he asks me out I am going to say yes. (I know he doesnt like me just to make anna jealous. I talked to her about it and she talked to greg about the night before) bc, yesterday at lunch greg walked past me to go to the lunch line. I sit at the table right across from him. That wasnt on purpose. Anyway, as he walked by we exchanged hellos. Then I was looking over some flash cards bc I was about to go take a big math test, and his friend came over to me and handed me this napkin. He was like "You know that kid Greg over there? Heres his him anytime you want." then he walked away. I thought it was so freaking funny. Anna hhad told me in the morning before school started to talk to greg that day, well when we got on the bus she asked me how it went. I told what happened and then she called greg on her cell (she already had his number to begin with). Then she told greg what happened. Well anna had to go get some stuff for school, so I went with her. Greg called her at some point and was like "How come Brittany never called me?" (bc he had told anna that I could anytime) She was like "Bc she has been with you wanna talk to her?" Then she handed me her phone. He did the usuall, asked how I was, asked how school was going for me. Then he was like "What happened at lunch today with my friend?" so I told him. And he was like "well i told him not to do that bc I didnt want him to say something stupid. and I was going to give you my number anyway. but now you have it so you should call me later tonight" I told him I will see how late we get home and I will try my very best. If not then I will see him in school. So anyway, but anna got mad bc he didnt say bye to her yada yada which idc, and I am going to see him tonight at church and I know that he may ask me out there. Thats what he did before to anna. So if any of you have any advice please lemme know. But I am actually happy right now and excited. I am not stressed anymore.

I sat with Greg at lunch yesterday. His friends SO set him up. This one kid, Zach, came up to me while greg was in the lunch line, and told me that greg wanted me to sit with him at their table. I was like "No he doesnt" then we went back and forth and zach was like well you have too. So I got my stuff, and went to sit over there. Then all his friends started asking me questions and stuff and I was just laughing and having so much fun with it. Then greg started to walk back to the table, and zach and one other kid got up quick and moved to a new table. Greg was like "What are you doing over here?" but he didnt say it rudely. I pointed at zach and I said, Zach told me to sit here. All greg could do was shake his head and say mmm. It was very awkward but I got such a kick out of it. I went to my next class in the best mood ever and I just giggled through it as I was thinking about it. Then I went to youthgroup that night and we didnt get to talk bc we had to leave right away but I think he was going to ask me out. So maybe he will today at school. But thanks for the advice Jackie I used it and it helped! =]

I got a picture!

Advice Please. Mcu1r8

its not the hottest guy but thats not why i like him. he cute though =] hes so funny. and hes really tall. =]
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by poochiechan Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:41 am

You just scored lol
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:07 pm

lol. but now i just gotta figure out if he really does like me for sure bc i know that he still has feelings for anna. but i still like him
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by Guest Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:21 am

Omg! That's hilarious! the part with Zach. LOL NP! Anytime you need it. lol but yeah i think you hit a home run there.


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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:38 pm

haha. yeah i know. i thought it was funny. awkward but it was still funny. i was laughing like the whole time then when i saw him later that day i burst out in laughter! lol.
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by Guest Mon Oct 01, 2007 4:31 pm

lol! I say go for it. He sounds really nice and i guess Anna should be supporting you.


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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:46 am

anna is supporting me. now. idk if he still likes me bc he still does like anna, and i know that for sure. but i rather be friends with him then it be all weird, yano? so thats what im shooting for. well see i guess when i really get a chance to talk to him tomorrow. idk. im confuzzled.
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by Guest Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:14 am

yupperz! well, just be friends and wait for him to make a move! <3


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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by Amanda102717 Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:25 am

^ i agree with Jackie
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Tue Oct 02, 2007 6:15 pm

thats deff. what i am going to do! =]
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by Guest Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:47 pm

Glad we could help =)


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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:32 pm

its been decided. we are just friends. and we are becoming close friends. today he gave me a hug! =] i would of gotten 2 but annas mom is all blah about PDA (public display of affection) so me and anna only got 1 hug before we went outside. anna really likes him and even though he may like me a little he has confessed to liking anna and I am ok with that. but anna is moving to puerto rico next month so idk. maybe we will be something after she leaves bc she already said that she wasnt leaving here with a boyfriend. but i am ok with him not liking me anymore. i wasnt but now i am just glad that we can be friends. =]
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Advice Please. Empty Re: Advice Please.

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:28 am

I swear this is my last post on this topic. But I just have to let it all out.

Anna and greg are fighting bc greg talked to annas boyfriend at school one day. So now anna hates greg or something. But anyway, so she doesnt go to her church anymore bc she doesnt wanna see greg. I go and sunday I talked to greg for like 30 minutes and it had nothing to do with anna. It was more like friends then after he gave me a high five and said that he was going to go and then he went to go find his brother. As they were walking out the door he gave me a BIG hug. I really really like him. So yeah. =] I promise. I will just let this topic die now. I got my feelings out.
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