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Ninjas vs Pirates

Not Gregory
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by ToriMP3 Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:13 pm

Which is better? Ninjas or Pirates?

Please keep it strictly pirates and ninjas.
Add any real proof you have for your opinion, and any other proof you have as well. ^_^

Go ninjas! ([:])<*-<
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Guest Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:42 pm

pirates definately, i mean, look at captain jack sparrow, he can take down a hole naval ship, AND A MONKEY, 'without a drop of rum' xD


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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Skate6566 Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:11 pm

As a Pastafarian, I must take the side of Pirates in this discussion.

Also, this.
Ninjas vs Pirates Iwinlol

Pirates auto-magically win.
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by The Trainmaster Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:18 pm

Pirates! We can travel way off round the world. We have HUGE boats, really big swords, and we "Arrgh". A lot. The fact that "Arrgh" has about 30-40 different meaning isn't our problem. We know what they all mean.

Ninja's don't even speak! They don't have a Bird or Monkey around. And seriously, black suit everyday? No way.

Where are the Ninja supports? Are they hiding? Ninjas vs Pirates Fresse

Skate6566 wrote:Also, this.
Pirates auto-magically win.

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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by ToriMP3 Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:31 am

Dark_of_the_Night wrote:pirates definately, i mean, look at captain jack sparrow, he can take down a hole naval ship, AND A MONKEY, 'without a drop of rum' xD

I admit, Captain Jack Sparrow is pretty cool. But Ninjas still win in my opinion.
^amused me. tho I liked those movies. But the first was the best.

Skate6566 wrote:
Also, this. ... Pirates auto-magically win.
not that I agree with/approve of this sort of thing, but have you ever googled (images) for "hot ninja"?

The Trainmaster wrote:Pirates! We can travel way off round the world. We have HUGE boats, really big swords, and we "Arrgh". A lot. The fact that "Arrgh" has about 30-40 different meaning isn't our problem. We know what they all mean.
~Huge boats, all the better to announce your presence, eliminating the element of surprise.
~Really big swords, ninja swords are pretty big too. Plus they have a variety of other cool weapons. While pirates have uncool stuff like cannons and planks (do planks count as weapons?)
~and we say "..." a lot, ya know, cuz ninjas dont talk. the fact that silence has about infinite different meanings isn't our problem. We know what they all mean. ^_^

The Trainmaster wrote:Ninja's don't even speak! They don't have a Bird or Monkey around. And seriously, black suit everyday? No way.
~Mystery. All about mystery. For anyone who has ever played airsoft, is it easier to find and hit someone who loudly tromps around yelling "arrrrrgh" or someone who sneaks around silently, whom you can't even keep track of, who ambushes you and you still don't know where they are?
~Ninjas totally have monkeys!! As for birds, they are way to loud and messy. (and ninjas dont have to worry about white stripes running off their shoulder...)
~Hm, a simple, comfortable black outfit or excessive floofs of clothes, which I wouldn't wear if you paid me. Black seems to be a more normal modern trend too.
~Ninjas wear converse. Just the totally black ones. (needs citation. but if i were a ninja, I totally would)
~Ninjas didn't necessarily always wear black suits anyway.
~And yes, floof is totally a word. Look it up on urban dictionary.

The Trainmaster wrote:Where are the Ninja supports? Are they hiding?
DUH. We like to analyze our enemies tactics before we spring into action. If you even knew the slightest about ninjas, youd know that. lol.
Ninjas vs Pirates Ninja_a
As for other things:
~Who's a fan of anime? Ninjas totally rock them. Made in the same place. haha
~Also, ever seen "ask a ninja" on youtube? Smile He is awesome. [my favorite is minjas]
~Ninjas have better hygiene, and they are less wasteful.
~Pirates dress like 80's hair metal bands.
~Ninjas eat loads of fruit and vegetables and are all disease free.
~Pirates are cruel to animals, children, and old people.
~Pirates talk too much and never allow you to finish what you are saying.
~Ninjas are highly trained, intelligent people, who know how to kill efficiently. While Pirates, well they are usually drunk, liars, with bad personal hygien, who kill mindlessly and tastelessly.
-So yeah, Pirates are very cool, but Ninjas, they are totally completely awesomely amazingly cool. Nothing personal against you pirate wanna-be's Wink
-I think this is one of the longest posts I've ever written. If you have read the entire thing, you deserve a cookie.
-Yes, I did post this at like 1:30 am. I was going to bed, and decided to see if anyone replied to this thread. That was like an hour and a half ago. See where it got me? Razz if only I could write papers this long for school this fast! I think my next speech/debate paper will be on this topic ^_^
-Last note:
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Skate6566 Sat Oct 31, 2009 9:26 am

While Pirates, well they are usually drunk, liars, with bad personal hygien, who kill mindlessly and tastelessly....Pirates are cruel to animals, children, and old people.
Sounds like America. lol Therefore pirates win, and if you don't like it, you're a commie.

Hey problem with hot ninjas though.
Ninjas vs Pirates Ninjasql
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Guest Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:11 pm

Never mind. I just realized how stupid picking one or the other would be for me... I'm both. =D


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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Not Gregory Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:07 pm

Really... How could a pirate ever stand up to a ninja?
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by ToriMP3 Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:17 pm

Skate6566 wrote:
While Pirates, well they are usually drunk, liars, with bad personal hygien, who kill mindlessly and tastelessly....Pirates are cruel to animals, children, and old people.
Sounds like America. lol Therefore pirates win, and if you don't like it, you're a commie.
Well generally speaking, tru. but that's not all americans. There are actually are good people out there. If you disagree, are you admitting you're a drunk liar who mindlessly and tastelessly kills? Who is cruel to animals, children, and old people? tisc tisc.
I know I'm not like that.

Skate6566 wrote:Hey problem with hot ninjas though.
{you can't see ninjas to know if they're hot lol}
Touché. But ninjas aren't really *invisible*, they are just excellent at hiding. You could see them if they allowed you to.
Another point tho, if there ever were any real female pirates, I seriously doubt they wore the skimpy halloween costume style outfits. They most likely dressed like the men did, or wore dresses (I'm thinking the mens style would be more practical). Altho, similarly, female ninjas would wear full clothes too. BUT I am done talking about this, cuz its a pretty invalid argument for either side.
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Skate6566 Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:23 pm

I am. That's why I closely identify with pirates. Though we're not all like that You're only noticing the piradicals because they get more news coverage.

Also, we don't have to pay for things. We just steal it.
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Guest Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:04 pm

pirates. only because of what skate posted xD

oh and to skate: ninjas cant be seen when they steal stuff..


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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Skate6566 Sun Nov 01, 2009 3:59 pm

Yeah, but it breaks their moral code. Pirates don't have a moral code. getwhatimsaying?
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Castigo Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:22 pm

There are a whole load of crappy codes pirates have to go by, ninjas do what they want. Go ninjas!
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Skate6566 Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:47 pm

Name one code pirates have to follow.

There are none. Pirates are the cowboys of the sea.
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by hockeyfanatic Sun Nov 01, 2009 9:08 pm

In that case, perhaps the more relevant debate is "Pirates vs. Cowboys".

Of course, I must go with pirates as well in the PvN debate. However, a pirate-ninja would beat all. Picture it...the aptitude of a ninja, combined with the attitude of a pirate. Epic Win.
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by harligrace Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:14 am

pirates for me lol there toatly awsome and been arond since maybe since almost begining of time
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Andrew94 Mon Nov 02, 2009 9:24 am

Ninjas definatly because, pirates a just drunken saliors who are greedy and pigish. A Ninja on the other hand will stalk you and kill you without any one ever seeing a thing. Be afraid be verry afraid. Ninjas are like tripple bean burrritos, silent but deadly!!!!
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Castigo Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:19 am

Skate6566 wrote:Name one code pirates have to follow.
There are none.

Umm... The pirate code of conduct? Google it.

I'm all for pirate ninjas!
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Guest Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:17 pm

... -cries- greggle betrayed me... he liked ninjas.....


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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by ToriMP3 Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:45 pm

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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Not Gregory Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:29 am

I still have no idea how you people could ever vote pirates...
Not Gregory
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Andrew94 Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:17 pm

Not Gregory wrote:I still have no idea how you people could ever vote pirates...

Tell me about it these people are lost

Ninjas FTW!!
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Guest Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:49 am

Pirates get boozed up all the time.
Ninjas. Hide?

They both kill people.

But Pirates are proud enough of it to go by a name.
Yeah thats right. Im Captain so and so and I shot her in the face.

lololololololol naruto. Really? Something something jutsu?
Out grew that when I was like. 13.


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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by Castigo Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:26 am

Naruto is a disgrace to the name "ninja" Honestly Naruto? ORANGE?! I'm sure no one will notice you sneaking up on them. Another thing, it helps not to yell as loud as you can while trying to kill someone. And what are all these jutsu things about? Some kind of magic? REAL NINJAS DON'T NEED MAGIC!!

Anywaaaaay... Back on topic
Ninjas just have higher intelligence than pirate so they know to not get caught so they can kill more people. How many people do pirates kill a day? 13? 40? Doesn't matter because ninjas kill around 8,000 per day. You know all those mysterious murders that haven't been solved? That is proof ninjas exist. Heath Ledger? Killed by a ninja. Michael Jackson? Killed by a ninja.
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

Post by The Trainmaster Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:28 pm

harligrace wrote:pirates for me lol there toatly awsome and been arond since maybe since almost begining of time

Harli likes Pirates? Time to go ninja.... Ninjas vs Pirates Icon_rolleyes

Castigo wrote:

Umm... The pirate code of conduct? Google it.

I'm all for pirate ninjas!

That's for lightweight pirates. Most of us are so hardcore. We don't need no stinkin' code of conduct.

As am I! It'd be cool...

STOP! Baileytime wrote:Pirates get boozed up all the time.
Ninjas. Hide?

Arrgh! It be true. We have bottles of rum. You guys have vitamin enriched water. xD

STOP! Baileytime wrote:Pssh.
They both kill people.

And pirates make you FEEL the pain of of defeat and death.

STOP! Baileytime wrote:But Pirates are proud enough of it to go by a name.
Yeah thats right. Im Captain so and so and I shot her in the face.

I'm Captain Rockford, and you're gunna die, you're wife will be mine, and we get your stained glass duck collection. Arrgh.

STOP! Baileytime wrote:Ninjas?
lololololololol naruto. Really? Something something jutsu?
Out grew that when I was like. 13.

LAWL. Keep hiding Ninjas, keep hiding.
I never grew into Naruto, though my cousin loves it. Poor soul. =|

Castigo wrote:Naruto is a disgrace to the name "ninja" Honestly Naruto? ORANGE?! I'm sure no one will notice you sneaking up on them. Another thing, it helps not to yell as loud as you can while trying to kill someone. And what are all these jutsu things about? Some kind of magic? REAL NINJAS DON'T NEED MAGIC!!

Agreed. Though you must admit, the audacity to announce yourself, and still kill people is nice...

Castigo wrote:Anywaaaaay... Back on topic

We left topic? I'm so pirate, I didn't notice and didn't care.

Castigo wrote:Ninjas just have higher intelligence than pirate so they know to not get caught so they can kill more people. How many people do pirates kill a day? 13? 40? Doesn't matter because ninjas kill around 8,000 per day. You know all those mysterious murders that haven't been solved? That is proof ninjas exist. Heath Ledger? Killed by a ninja. Michael Jackson? Killed by a ninja.

8,000? Pfft, can you even back up that number? Details people, details.

Besides, if we load up a ship with a rival group of pirates (Or anyone, for that matter.), we could burn it and everyone on board. And we may kill less people, but we do it personally. We strike fear in you. You know we're coming and you still can't stop us.

Still though. Maybe we should just team up, and play this:
The Trainmaster
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Ninjas vs Pirates Empty Re: Ninjas vs Pirates

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