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Prayer Requests <3

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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Prayer Requests <3

Post by michellejt14 Thu May 06, 2010 8:56 am

Well i have a special prayer request and i know other people have asked for several people to pray for things so i figured why not make a spot where we can list them all.

My prayer request is very on-going for Ben (my ex) if you dont know the story, just ask me.
and for myself...cause the stuff with him makes me worry and thats tireing.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Thu May 06, 2010 9:10 am

I have been praying for you Julia!!
And I will continue to do so. : )


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Kiera Thu May 06, 2010 9:17 am

I will deffinetly keep him in prayers Julia! :]

I have one for my cusin Luke, he was put in some sort of Syke Ward for some reason. So please keep him in prayers.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Thu May 06, 2010 9:20 am

My brother was institutionalized in a psychiactric hosptial for several months this year. I know how hard it can be on a person, and also on their family. I will for sure be praying for all of you guys! Keep us updated!


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by michellejt14 Thu May 06, 2010 9:24 am

Thanks guys <3
It seems as tho hes getting off really easy so hopefully he'll continue coming to church (not that i wanna have to look at the back of his ugly head) but hes living at his dads now because his mom kicked him out for the second time...but hopefully he'll wimp him into shape but hes so stubborn...and his views are completely twisted to accept his behavior and he truly believe its okay.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Kiera Thu May 06, 2010 2:58 pm

I understand Julia, :] Be Blessed he will definetly stay in prayers! :]
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Tue May 11, 2010 10:29 pm

I'm going to try this out....bear with me here..
First off, the majority of you know that I'm going to the Netherlands on a missions trip in June. Well, that date is now 34 days away...and I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it. I'm still owe over $400 towards the trip. And like I said. I don't know how I'll do please pray for that.

Second, I am way behind in school. I know it seems weird to pray for that, but I have toomany distractions. And if I don't get doneby June 5th, I can't go on said missions trip ^.

Third and last. I feel the Devil attacking me every second of every day lately. My world is crashing around me. From my sister beoming Wicken to doing things I shouldn't be doing. And I feel so distant from God. So if you guys could keep me in your prayers, I'd appreciate it.

And for Bailey and Julia. You are in mine. As well as anyone else who posts/has posted.

Thanks guys!


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Wed May 12, 2010 7:43 am

First of all, all of the above prayer requests are in my prayers. :]

As for my own, I'm starting the early college program in the fall at Delaware County Community College. Today at 2, I have an interview that apparently they evaluate if you're really ready for college or not.

And it's basically scaring the sh!t out of me. My mom says they're looking for professionalism, that I have to wear dress pants, nice shirt, hair down, etc. And I'm just worried, because she's stressing over this whole thing.

So yeah. There's my story. ^_^


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Kiera Wed May 12, 2010 7:47 am

Madi - I will be praying that the funds come in, and school as well that is just as important, and definetly will be praying for you with the other issue.

Jackie- I pray that you do well, It sounds kinda scarey but God will guide you so just pray about that! :] But I will keep you in prayers as well.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Freeman Wed May 12, 2010 8:32 am

soccerchik22 wrote:First of all, all of the above prayer requests are in my prayers. :]

As for my own, I'm starting the early college program in the fall at Delaware County Community College. Today at 2, I have an interview that apparently they evaluate if you're really ready for college or not.

And it's basically scaring the sh!t out of me. My mom says they're looking for professionalism, that I have to wear dress pants, nice shirt, hair down, etc. And I'm just worried, because she's stressing over this whole thing.

So yeah. There's my story. ^_^
You shouldn't have much trouble with that; because my brother did it and I am going to do it. So long as you have decent grades you should be fine. But I will keep you in my prayers.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Wed May 12, 2010 8:48 am

I'm hoping so! College is more difficult than I thought. And I'm not even taking the classes yet. Haha. But thanks so much Mike! :]


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Wed May 12, 2010 9:50 am

As I stated before, you are all in my prayers. Smile
I deff do always ask for Him to keep a hand on my PaCyber friends, but its nice to know what to ask for specifically.

Stay strong!


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by michellejt14 Wed May 12, 2010 5:38 pm

I will be praying for you all Smile
As for an update on Ben. He might be trying but im not sure....hes being forced to come to church on sundays, so he was at sunday school and church. I dont know if he'll be at youth group kinda hoping not cause hes soooo distrating for me but in sunday school when out teacher asked if we had any prayer requests he raised his hand and told everyone (the 3 other ppl that were there not including the teacher) that he had got into some bad things and to pray for him and about his whole situation and having to go do community service in New york or something like that idk! lol Either way he seems like he might be trying to stilll soo much prayer is needed causei know he has a lot of underlying issues.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by xBellex Fri May 14, 2010 7:55 pm

I'll be praying for all of you guys. Just keep your eyes on Him and things will get better. It says in the Bible that God works out all things for the good of those who love Him. :]

Alright, now for my story..
Basically, my family is falling apart. My dad isn't living in my house anymore, he's living at my grandparents'. My parents aren't getting divorced, they're just seperated for a while. I see my dad just about every week day, because him and my mom work together (we're self-employed), so it's not like he's shut off from me and my siblings completely, but it's still hard for me to see my parents fight all the time.
My sister(illbringtheshoes) is going through a really hard time right now. She's feeling very unloved by everyone, when she is, in reality, extremely loved, she's just not seeing it for whatever reason. She's not seeking God for comfort, though, and she's looking to other things for peace, and they're not working for her, and she's becoming desperate for something, anything, but she's not getting it. My dad and her are not on speaking terms (for things that I can't go into detail about), since a few months ago, and nothing's being done to get that worked out. Just keep her in prayer.
I'm majorly behind in school, and it's hard to get caught up because of all the distractions here, with family and friends and stuff.
I'm really worn down. I'm constantly trying to help other people and take on their burdens, and it's wearing me thin. I try to give my heavy burdens to God, but I haven't learned how to give them all to him, and that's dangerous. All of my friends are insanely messed up (not mentally retarted or anything, but they're just wounded from physically and emotionally abusive home lives), and I never know how to tell them to just..back off a little bit when I need some time for myself, and that's not good either..
Just, keep me and my sister and my whole family in prayer, please. :]
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Kiera Sat May 15, 2010 12:50 pm

Jaime- I will keep you and your sister in prayers for strength in everything and for family unity, for peace over your family. I will also be praying that you can learn to focus on your school work to get caught up..

And as for me.
Please pray right now, I'm trying my hardest to get caught up in English right now, and I'm getting pretty caught up on it but it's still hard with some certain issues around my home so just please pray for me please. -kiera
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Sat May 15, 2010 3:12 pm

Praying for all of you!

I've got a new prayer request that just developed five minutes ago. My grandmother(on my mother's side) just called and said my grandfather is missing. They were on a walk, and he basically walked off without her knowing, and now she can't find him anywhere.

It wouldn't be a huge scare on average... Except for the fact that he's 85, extremely unstable to the point where he can't walk very far at one time. And his memory is failing him more and more each day, so it's VERY likely he has no idea where he is, or who anyone around him is.

Both of my parents are heading in to search for him, in two separate cars.
Just need the prayer that he'll be found safely! And for my grandmother. She's 83, and gets very nervous, and she was crying on the phone, understandably. Refused to believe that God would keep him safe.

Thank you! ♥


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Kiera Sat May 15, 2010 3:18 pm

Jackie- Will be praying! I pray that they find your grandfather, safe!
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Sun May 16, 2010 10:28 am

Jackie, I'm praying for you!

PRAYER REQUEST: My mom has a broken backbone...Yikes. So we went to Knoebels yesterday and, stupidly, she went on all the roller coasters and stuff...And now her back is killing her. More specifically, it's her tailbone, but a backbone nonetheless.

My friend Jeremy, whose grandmother is in the hospital dying. He's got TONS on his plate, and really doesn't need anything else to deal with. She apparently had a relationship with God, but it's still tough for him...=\

My youth pastor and his wife: They are buying a factory! It's going to be their house, it's absolutely INCREDIBLE inside, but it's gonna take TONS of money. They know that God already has this house for them, but the sooner they get the money, the better... :]

Thanks everyonee! <3


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by xBellex Sun May 16, 2010 11:11 am

Kiera, I will keep you in my prayers.
Jackie- Any news on your grandfather?
Amanda- Ha, I've already been praying for those things, but will continue to do so. :]
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by michellejt14 Sun May 16, 2010 6:54 pm

This reply is to Jamies prayer request.
My parents have been going through some issues for quite some time but about a month ago it got really bad...i was working and all of the sudden my mom comes into my work and tells me that we're not going home tonight and that she found my dad at a bar...So i get off work early...go home and my dads there of course so i have no idea what to tell him so i just dont say anything i shower grab my stuff and leave to go over to actually my ex-bfs house because my mom and his mom are like best friends at the time we werent exactly on the greatest of terms because he was being a jerk to me but through everythingn he was like yeah i was being a jerk on purpose and it was stupid so im sorry and im hear for you and he was and he is and we're best friends again. Ok anyways back to my i leave the house and hes like almost yelling at me asking me where im going and crap and so i just say to go be with my sisters...because if my parents are going to get a divorce there is no way im chosing my dad or my mom. I choose my sisters. So of course i get like out the driveway and and starts bawling and its really really hard to drive but i i just felt like i was leaving my dad and idk and so apparently i overheard my mom talking when we were at my e-bfs house and she found alcohol in our shed (my dads stash apparently). So im like what the heck! Cause if you dont know me i have a reallllll problem with alcohol and it is like my least fave subject to discuss because of past stuff which i wont go into....but still through all this feeling like my world has been turned upside down...and then everything goes back to explanation to me whatsoever...
so im still sitting here wondering what the heck happened from my mom telling me that she found my dad in a bar and alcohol in the shed to nothing..its all fine. It is sooooo hard to do schoolwork when theres things that seem more important so i totally understand that Jamie. I realized that there is a silver lining to every situation...even tho this whole thing with my parents was crazy and i fell behind...I am on good terms with my ex and we're best friends just like we were before...i dont really consider him my ex hes just a really good friend.

Lots of things have happened with me in the past few months. I was with my friend and her sister and her cousin and apparently her cousin and her were shoplifting the whole time we were going through the mall. When we were headed out of kohls two men stepped in front of us and said "You and you need to come with me" So me and her sister were left in awe of what just happen...i was so shocked and terrified frankly because her sister is over 18. Shes one of my good friends too, sadly i've just met her a little while ago so i had no idea she had this big of a problem. So i chose not to tell my mom about this because i knew she would freak out and never let me talk to her again im not sure that this was the right decision but its already been made. Whew ok haha i hadn't planned on writing this much it just kinda came out.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Mon May 17, 2010 11:40 am

Out of pure curiosity, how long did it take you to type that up, Julia? xD

Anyway. Jaime, thanks for asking! They found him Saturday afternoon. My mom and grandma called the hospital, and they said they had him. He apparently tripped and fell, with lots of people watching, so they called an ambulance and drove him there.
He's still in the hospital, but I believe he's being released today. His right eye is swollen and his nose has a cut again (not broken like the last fall he took, but still bad) and his blood pressure was going nuts. But I think they got it under control yesterday.

Thanks for all the prayers! All of you are in mine. :]


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by michellejt14 Mon May 17, 2010 1:01 pm

Haha like 15 mins Jackie lol i'm wondering how many typos there are haha i can type really fast whenever i have something to say lol

Im sure no one will read it haha its like a monster.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Guest Mon May 17, 2010 2:32 pm

I read it. :]

PRAYER REQUEST: My friend Mike (Jackie and Codee already know this): His dad is in Iraq and they don't know if he's going to come back alive...His mom is SUPER stressed and taking it out him and his brothers...

Me, I guess...I've been struggling with depression ALOT...And most people don't know it. They think I'm such a together-kind-of-girl and I'm not...=\

Thanks, and I'm praying for all of you! :]


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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by michellejt14 Mon May 17, 2010 10:34 pm

I will be praying for you Amanda. Im the same way i'm always giving other people advice and helping people with there problems when i struggle with my wn all the time.

I find music very soothing. I found this song the other night.

"When everything falls apart your arms hold me together When everything falls apart you're the only hope for this heart...When everything falls apart and my strength is gone i find you mighty and strong you keep holding on...♥ "

I always have quotes and music. I think that music can describe how u feel at any point in time.
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Prayer Requests <3 Empty Re: Prayer Requests <3

Post by Kiera Tue May 18, 2010 10:10 am

Julia. I love that song, and its so true.

I will be praying for you all..

I ask that you guys can please pray for my mom. She is leaving in 10 days to go to Mozambique, Africa. She's going there for a missions trip, with Heidi and Roland Baker, she will be there for 16 days. I'm praying for a change in my family while she is gone and for a change with her. My family has been struggling with trust and other things, so please pray that there are heart changes while she is gone.

As for me, I tend to take on other peoples problems and then I end up with that and then I have no one to go to when I'm in need of help, and it's putting a lot of stress on me and it's keeping me from sleep, so just keep me in prayers please.
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