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help seriously help

The Great Escape
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Cry help seriously help

Post by patluva Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:47 pm

ok i no hardly ne of u no me but i need help. ive been really stressed and confused lately. and i was all alone one nite and got an erge for pain i looked all over the house fr sumthing sharp enough to easily cut my skin i tried knives steak nives butcher knifes box cutters and finnall i came across sumthing a toe nail clipper so i picked it up and thought about nothing and held my breath and started clipping i made 4 slits one nit then one the next day and three today the others scabed up and look like og scratches and the other 3 are kind of un natural looking and i cant tell my mom cause she would take me out of cyber school and not let me do things tht r privleges so i dont no wat i should do ive been wearing long sleeves but its starting to get hot and i dont no wat i should do can neone help me??


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by bluewaterlily Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:15 pm

Take this or not take this, this is just advice.
Well, first, I think you should hide the knives. Then, you should do something else to release the pain. Like drawing. If you're mad at a particular person, then draw them in some crazy scenario and rip the paper up. It works.
If seeing your own blood makes you want to cut, then try drawing on yourself with red marker. It's a lot less destructive.
Since you can't talk to your mom yet, try talking to some other trusted adult. You could also just go up to your mom and ask, "Mom, how would you react if I cut myself?" without implying that you actually did it. If she gets angry just because of the question, then I'd definitely go find some other adult.
If I sound like a cheesy counselor, then so be it, but that's my advice.
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by The Great Escape Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:30 pm

as i told jillian take baths ..... no matter what it helps ... in a very nonconstuctive way .... or you could walk for the whole day ... and just think about it ... think about why your mad and what led you to becoming mad .... and just think about it very slowly .... and whenever you get the urge to scream then scream you lungs out .... and run .... if you feel like crying then cry your eye's out no one's around so who cares then just keep walking or jogging or running .... then sit down on a hill and think about it ... i know people say thinking about it will just make it worse but then you hold it inside of you for the rest of your life .... so what i want you to do now is go outside ... and if you have a dog take him/her for a walk with you and talk about the things that are hurting you in life ... and cry to it .... dogs alway's love to be hugged so just hugg it .... at the end of your walk, before you go home, go to a place where no one owns the proerty and just rip the grass out of the ground ... hopefully i helped <333
The Great Escape
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:46 pm

wow thx bluewaterlily u helped i did hide everything sharp well i put it where i couldnt reach it i had to jump and throw them to get them up there lol and i think im gonna talk to my best friend who has made sum pretty bad mistakes she 25 and has 4 kids so i think ill talk to her

and lullaby i always luv ur advice i think i might take a long walk tonite

thank u both Smile


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by The Great Escape Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:01 pm

ok then you take the longest walk in your life untill you have to drag yourself home but i wouldn't do it after dark cause there are some crazy people out there in the night ... just watch yourself ... and i'm glad i helped <333
The Great Escape
The Great Escape

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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:54 pm

k that will be one long walk i walk 5 miles every 3 weeks lol


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by Guest Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:37 pm

You HAVE to tell your mom or some one trusted (like Alanna said) now, or your arm will be seriously messed up. If you risk your arm's health any longer, it could contract Gangrene or some other serious disease and you'll have to have your arm amputated.
Along with seeing a doctor for your cuts, see a psychiatrist. Cutting is a serious thing and shouldn't be an excuse for recreation or depression.


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:21 pm

my arms health its a few scratches i wont get a serious disese i mean i could but im not terribly worried and it wont get ampputated dont u think thats a lil drastic??


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by bandbaby Wed Mar 21, 2007 5:25 pm

Oh wow.
Reading that made me flinch.
You have to tell an adult.
People who cut have sucidal tendencies.
Im sorry if that sounds cruel.
But its true.
I have a friend who started cutting and then tried suicide more then once.
And yes you can contact a disease.
Your cuts can get infected.
If it gets bad enough.
You can die.
And your arm can be ammputated if it gets bad enough.
Id be worried.
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by bluewaterlily Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:30 am

Yes, it is very possible to get gangrene from an open wound, especially if it's been cut with a dirty object. It is also possible to bleed to death from cutting a major artery and (unless you have a tetanus shot) to get tetanus from a rusty knife. I didn't mention that at first because I'd rather give you a solution than a list of all the scary, "what-if" scenarios.
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:30 am

ok i could but do u really think that im thinking of that stuff wen i feel the urge no im thinking about the bad stuff which is alot and its only 8 slits and hopefully thats all thx for ur help and i dont use knives i use out of the ordinary stuff lol


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by limetiger Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:41 am

hmmm...okay. I know what you've already done.
But from now on, please come on here, call someone, if you have a sibling talk to them. Find someone your going to talk to if you get upset and start thinking about cutting yourself. The worse thing you can do is try to handle it yourself when you are upset and ready to do that. You may be able to right now see it's a bad idea but when you are depressed you may not be able to reason with yourself. If you have a dog or a cat, talk to them about it even(may seem silly but people do that). If you have a younger or older sibling or maybe just a friend who lives near by try talking to them.

There is no need to make you panic about what you have already done, what you need to do is find a way you won't do the same thing again.

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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Fri Mar 23, 2007 10:05 am

My cousin used to cut herself and sometimes she still does.
What I did was take her razor blades and I didnt tell her that I took them. I know it is kind of mean but she means alot to me. When I get angry at someone or something I write a letter. If I get mad at someone I dont actually send the letter to them. I either send it to a very close friend, or I send it to myself through e-mail. It helps me alot. I have never cut myself but I have wanted too. Another thing would be to have like a pen pal. I have one and she will listen to anything that I want to vent about. It helps me alot to complain to her. If you ever just want to vent or anything I am here for you. You can either send me a PM on here or e-mail me at my school e-mail, which is: . That goes for the rest of you too. I am there just to listen or to give advice. Or even just to be a friend. Either way, I am there for you! Hope that I helped!
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Sun Mar 25, 2007 10:08 am

thanks u all helped Smile


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:09 pm

No problem.
I'm there for you babe!
(^^ inside joke! ^^)
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Mon Mar 26, 2007 7:57 am

hahaha ill be there for u if u ever need me cookiemonster


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:17 am

Thank you!
I am glad that I have people to go to also!

And you can call me Brittany.
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:57 pm

ok hi brittany ill have to remember that name...i think i can lol


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:19 pm

What is your name?
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by PandaGurl Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:10 pm

okay well yea, I know some people who have tried this and it got infected, so it's definitely serious.
Yeah but just do what all of them said ^^^^^^ x)

not much else I can say except, pray about it. and I'll pray for you, of course. Take your anger and just give it all to helps, trust me. He's a great listener =]
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by Amanda102717 Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:41 pm

i have another idea to get you to stop, everytime you think about it...or about doing it, spray somthing gross in your mouth like hairspray to train u to stop
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by The Great Escape Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:01 pm

on the cuts you already have you could put that stuff on ... ummm ... peroxide .... it burns & clean it
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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by patluva Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:39 am

I STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!! yay lol


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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by Amanda102717 Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:44 pm

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Cry Re: help seriously help

Post by bluewaterlily Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:45 pm

Good job! Very Happy
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Cry Re: help seriously help

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