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What are you thinking?

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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:37 am

I figured it out. LOL.
Wonder what he'd say if I talked to him about it...
Hope I can call him later today! Miss him SO much.
Santa is coming tonight? I fuhgot my reindeer food.
I can't believe Jesse was actually nice to me. He gave me so much helpful information.


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:41 pm

5 NEW PAGES IN TPBM!???!!!??? WOW.
I've got lots of PM's! Very happy about that.
I think today is going to be a pretty good day... though usually when I say that it sucks. So we'll see. xD
I need to get on at 1:04AM...
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:01 pm

Wow. 3 hours of pming and TPBM.


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:04 pm

I've got over 3 hours of PM'ing to do...
I think I've lost. Or am I still losing? IDK.
My kitties are crazy. LOL for snow eating cats.
A white Christmas... with no tree. Ahh well.
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 1:12 pm

I hope I'm winning. xD
Wow, I need a shower....but still 6 hours until the service tonight.
What the heck do I say to him?! Almost dont wanna go..

Merry Christmas!


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Thu Dec 24, 2009 3:57 pm

2 and a half hours. And I had FUN. -headdesk- What is this DOING to me??
Barry is still awesome, and train filled. HECK YA ARKANSAS!
One PM to go. Think I'll save that for a bit though...
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:08 pm

Ahh phone call from him??? Wtf...curse you Jesse for talking to him.
Wonder how many people will sleep during the sermon tonight.
Oh! Chocolates! With alcohol in them??? WTF DAD.

Lots o' PMing ta do.


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:41 pm

Almost done all my PM'ing.
Wish it was warmer out. This 25-35 degrees stuff sucks.

"Ho Ho Ho, tomorrow's gonna blow!" xD
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 4:52 pm

Church sucks. Overall xD
I'm so sick of scanning Kristie's schoolwork.
When am I ever going to find time to do that?

UGH! They're making fun of me because i can't do one pushup. *sob* NOT MY FAULT IMMA TWIG XD

Parents...organized parents, ta be exact, are ridiculous.


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Thu Dec 24, 2009 5:48 pm

Only I could do something THAT stupid. Rah. Oh well. Another 2 hours of work for when I'm bored...
Wonder when we have to leave tonight. I think he already practiced it all...
2 PM's on the waiting list again. Maybe I can do the short one now to get it out of the way.. xD
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Thu Dec 24, 2009 11:21 pm

Boring church service. I almost fell asleep 10 times.

Merry Christmas!


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Fri Dec 25, 2009 2:50 am

Nice service here. Just got back.

1:49AM... where is the person? First time I'm online at night, and they aren't. xD

'Nite all.
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by ToriMP3 Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:52 am

Finally done playing "santa"! All toys are assembled and set out. What are you thinking? - Page 16 Th_shopper
And I just realized this is the 3rd time in my life I spent over $100 within one week. And the 2 previous times were buying horses. Christmas gets more expensive the older you get, and when you add a new sibling about every 3 years. Not that I'm complaining... I love it! Very Happy

santa rendeer
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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:36 am

Ahahaha! I completely agree there Tori. xD I'm always like...great, I gotta buy another gift. xD

Good grief! He was on. *facepalm* the one night I'm not he actually got on! of these nights we'll get it right...
I highly doubt two hours is enough time to finish these PMs..
GAH Why wasnt I on?!?! Oh..right..I fell asleep.
Alrighty, gotta get to work on those dang things...
Present for mom/dad...GOTTA WRAP. Omg...I fuhgot. xD


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 7:47 am

I HATE Christmas now.
There are a few people I want to spend Christmas with, and they are all either dead, or no where near me.

Its bad enough that I've had to go through so many deaths and such, but to have to relive it every holiday, blows chunks.

RIP. Mia. Christmas means nothing without you

I will be amazed if I can get through today without bawling my eyes out.

Mia, Gramma, Keith, Chay, Danni, I miss you all so much. I love you. </3


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Skate6566 Fri Dec 25, 2009 8:17 am

Murry xmas everyone!!
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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 12:05 pm


That was going to be on my 16th birthday wish list. XD w00t! I'm so happy. Going to grandma's soon.
Gotta finish that PM first. Paused in the middle earlier.


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Fri Dec 25, 2009 3:18 pm

Freezing rains. Interesting...
A nice quiet day. I think that's almost enough of a gift.
WOW. The batteries are 4 dollars for that camera? I think I'll take 5. xD
Still a lot of PM'ing to do. Think it'll wait until tomorrow.

Merry Christmas my friends. Hope you have a pleasant day and got whatcha wanted. I kinda did myself, in a sense. ;]
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

Number of posts : 2486
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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 10:23 pm

*wonders what Cody wanted*

I had a pretty awhsome day. I got new converse! xD They're paint-splattered, only my grandma has to exchange for size. Turns out I have smaller feet than she thought. =P mother says Wednesday we're going to see Disney on Ice...this plan may need to be pushed off for a week to meet you-know-who. =/
Too nervous anyway, an extra week may be good for me.
Ice skating possibly? He's gonna come I talk to him, or just ignore all personal conversations???

Can't make it until tonight...PMs will have to wait. Ily <3


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by The Trainmaster Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:34 pm

Wonder? I can explain that later... just reply if ya can... ;]

Sounds like Lansdale, PA tomorrow. Need to bail my Uncle out from seeing some people. LOL.
I need some new workboots...
Crews on call at 7:00AM tomorrow. Trains will be runnin' again soon.
Everytime I actually get around to telling my father about doing something, a "wrench" gets thrown in. Gotta love them variables. xD
1 day away. Please Mr. Ebay. Keep that camera cheap.
The Trainmaster
The Trainmaster

Number of posts : 2486
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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Fri Dec 25, 2009 11:52 pm

Yes, I wonder. I never know who you're talking about in certain statements. xD late tonight? Should really sleep some.
Cody's dad is lurking! Ah stalkers! Lol Hi Mr. Camorote. xD
I think I'm starting to hate wreaths...they scratch windows too much.


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by ToriMP3 Sat Dec 26, 2009 11:33 am

NEVER and I mean NEVER eat cheese and read a ninja book before bed... 0_o
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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:24 pm

Lol Why cheese?

G-parents are coming for much for going ice skating before he leaves... guess I'll just see him tomorrow in church. BLEH. can't talk about important stuff in church...
Gah, one thing I hate about Christmas is the fashion shows that come the day after when you have to try on everything. lol
The snow is practically gone! Now all we have is mud...>.< Well that White Christmas lasted real long. xD


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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by hockeyfanatic Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:42 pm

Going to team free skate...though Coach said to bring my gear in case no one shows up, and we'll make an impromptu practice of it. Would make my Christmas (for real, not kidding)!
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What are you thinking? - Page 16 Empty Re: What are you thinking?

Post by Guest Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:43 pm

Why didnt this thing log me out?


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