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Some thoughts from other girls?

The Great Escape
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by limetiger Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:53 pm

Some questions that I think I'd like your opinion on.

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?

Do you disagree more with boys or girls?

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc?

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?

I will answer later...

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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by PandaGurl Sat Feb 24, 2007 12:18 am

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?
That depends. Boys are easier to talk about certain things to, they don't have to go through all our problems to relate with us, and they're not as petty and caught up in details. Girls on the other hand, have experienced more of the same things, and can relate better with certain problems, obviously. It depends on the occation of talking.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls?
I disagree more with girls. I don't know why....probably because of ^, the guys are less petty and they're easier to tell secrets to, because they don't gossip Lol...and sometimes they're just simpler and easier to trust and talk to.

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?
Heck yes! only because mine is coming up! lol It's just a fun time where you get to throw one last really huge party. I think that one big party is deserved. I mean, why shouldn't it be treated as a big deal?

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc?
I think the ones on disney channel are lame and unrealistic. besides that, I have no problem with them.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?
AWESOME. lol, I'm a fashion person. and the stores I shop at have fantastic clothes that I love <3333 so I have no problem with them. The length of jean skirts is getting a little rediculous though. We don't all want to be dressing like j-lo, I'm sorry to say lol.

Last edited by on Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by bluewaterlily Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:01 am

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?
I agree with Rhea. Girls are gentler and more comforting for the most part, while guys are more useful to talk to about technical issues or other non-emotional issues.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls?
Def. girls! They can be sweet one moment and ready to claw your face off the next! Boys are a LOT more predictable and if they can't stand you, they usually just tell you, whereas girls can be a LOT sneakier about it.

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?
Yes, it should be. I think 16 is the last year of your life where you can act immature and not get disapproval because of it. Once you hit 17, people expect you to be an adult.

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv dramas, etc?
I think they're really inaccurate and stereotypical. And stupid. Which is why I'm glad I don't have cable.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?
I think the clothing industry should take some hints from girls like myself. I despise a lot of the clothes I find in the stores. I want to look intelligent and dignified w/o looking nerdy. I definitely don't want to look like some ditzy pop star. Of course, I don't think the majority of girls share my views, but that's their issue, not mine.
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by limetiger Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:46 am

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?
I agree with the rest of you it really depends on the issue. But it's hard for me to pick either. It really depends, I think someone you know well is best, and they just know you best.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls?
About equal, but slightly more girls I'd say. But I think I just talk to more girls because that's just the way things happen.

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?
Personally, though I'm not 16 yet, I think no.
Because I don't really think there is any major difference or "magical " thing that suddenly changes when you turn 16.
I never understood the whole play up of it all, you should be aiming to enjoys things and working on improving yourself and things at every age.

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc?
Some are okay, but certain shows I think the creators have a hard time understanding and creating a show for someone like myself to enjoy. I think the problem is that they aren't getting enough input and ideas from people our age. They try to tell us what to like, instead of them adapting to our thoughts and feelings.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?
I don't like any of it, funny enough some people rush towards labels. They're certain labels that I could just never wear I think because of all the "trendy, preppy" people who make a big deal out of it.

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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by Rallypoo67 Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:06 pm

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys? probably other girls...but it also depends on the person

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? maybe girls..because some girls, have really stupid logic, on things like, makeup, clothes, and guys that bugs me so much

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal? well yeah, but I wouldn't like spend a million dollars on it. I would just want to make it my best party ever!!

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc? well it depends on the show. I like some...but some are just really stupid, fake, and cheesy.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens? most of them are extremely immodest and it makes me want to puke. And some are way too expensive. It's hard to find good, modest, and cheap clothes.


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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by xoxCookieMonsterxox Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:19 pm

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?
I have an easier time talking to boys. I hang out with this group of kids and it is all boys except for me. I just think that most girls I know are too caty. Not any girls on here, but other girls I know. But I like to talk to girls about girly problems. I could talk to my guy friends about it but they just wouldnt understand.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls?
I disagree more with girls. End of story,

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?
I think yes. I am not going to make a big deal out of mine but I think that yes, there are a big deal.

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc?
I love alot of shows. I guess it depends on the show though.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?
Most of them are too inmodest for me.
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by The Great Escape Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:16 pm

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys? i like talking to boys more ... it's just more relaxing, in a way, you don't have to worry about saying something that might affend someone you know

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? more girls cause guys really don't say much ... lol

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal? yeah cause youre a mature teen and you're taken seriously

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc? i like them a lot ... some of them tell me the i shouldn't be like that and others tell me about thing i should do as a young lady ... held to balence it out

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens? lol ... i like them personaly but i think they could be a bit less revealing
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by redrosekiss09 Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:37 am

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?
~well...i actually find it easier 2 talk 2 girls...i just feel kinda wierd or like....shy around guys...but not ALL guys...

Do you disagree more with boys or girls?
~id say i disagree more w/ girls cuz like...i just like 2 be really...but i tend 2 see things differently..such as...thinking about the OTHER person wen they r upset w/ sum1....

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?
~yes...i look @ it as like...wen u get 2 drive [cuz will] im having a big luau! all my fam & sum of my friends my mom limited the guest list...

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc?
~well...they r kinda unrealistic...but they also dont really set good examples...tho...i do watch lots of shows...but only on local tv...

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?
~i think that new clothes there coming out w/ r VERY immodest!!! especially since i try 2 dress modestly...i tend 2 be a little more modest dressed than others that r 'modestly' dressed...mainly becuz lots of ppl hav diff. views on modesty.......

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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by PandaGurl Sun Feb 25, 2007 2:35 am

Well I just want to interject here a little....where are you guys shopping where everything is immodest?

Because the greatest style they have right now is don't have to show a lot of skin and still look know?

At least at the stores I mentioned (Forever 21, Urban Outfitters, H&M, Wet Seal, Charlotte Russe, and occationally Kohls and Target) they have very few skin-tight shirts and stuff like that.

I mean yea, of course it exists, but they don't force you to buy I don't see a problem with clothes right now. Not everyone believes in being modest, and stores are trying to reach a large audience, so of course there's going to be some immodest stuff, you know?

Just my take on this.
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by pitbulls Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:19 pm

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys? boys

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? gurls

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal? no

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc? i like dramas

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens? i think they r disturbing lol
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by bandbaby Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:33 pm

Some questions that I think I'd like your opinion on.

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys? Totally and completly depends on who the guys or girls on, but its usually about equal.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? Ohhh...about equal too

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal? I dont think it really matters, I dont really plan on having some big blowout, just a regular one..

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc? They're pretty unrealistic, not every girl/woman is drop dead gorgeous and all that, but other than that, I think theyre fine.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?
Completly depends on where you shop, where I shop, theyre fine, I dont find them un-modest or anything, but then again, it depends on what you consider modest.
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by Kristi Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:59 pm

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys? um i would say it depends what you're talking about. some things most guys won't really open up about. but sometimes it's easier to talk to boys if you just want a no beating-around-the-bush kind of conversation cuz that's usually the way they talk.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? depends more on the individual than just a certain gender in general

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal? depends on many things like if you can afford it. don't think it matters either way. if you can and you want to, then fine. if you can't or don't want to, fine. but i definitely don't think you should have a big party just for the purpose of showing off.

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc? many are unrealistic or disrespecful towards women but some are pretty good. just depends.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens? they're fine for the most part. it irks me when skirts look more like head bands and shirts are made so that a bunch of cleavage is showing but if other than those extreme cases i don't care. and i don't really care about labels and what's popular but i will buy anything that's in my buget and i like
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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by Guest Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:40 am

Some questions that I think I'd like your opinion on.

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?
I totally think it's easier to talk to boys. I have a lot of problems with some girls because im such a tomboy.
Do you disagree more with boys or girls?
Girls. because of the above. Im so different from most girls.
Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?
I think so. I mean. I agree with Rhea. One big party is deserved.
What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc?
Well, sometimes i disagree with the way they dress. I mean the Bible says women should dress covered. So like all those shorty-shorts and low shirts i think are wrong. same with bikinis. no offense to anyone that wears one.
What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?
I think the thing above. The boys clothes are ok but the girls are so sexist. its wrong.



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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by Guest Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:38 pm

Some questions that I think I'd like your opinion on.

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys?- Boy r easy to talk to about stuff in general (sometimes to see if u look good).. but girls r easy to talk to about other things. But i would have to say guys

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? I disagree more with girls

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal?-
Depends .. if u have to money sure (dont make it like $200,000) but if you dont then just hangin out with friends is good too.

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc?- I think they r way to involved with how they look and all this other crap.. i Like Ugly betty hah!

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?- They r pretty good.. i mean they really r if u know how to dress right... but they r very pricey. especially if u have to pay for them urself.


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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by kiya_sta Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:22 pm

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys? Umm..I think that boys are easier to talk to in a way...Other people might not agree but I've been through a lot of things with girls and they almost always seem to be two-faced or gossipers.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? I disagree with more girls...I never really have a problem with boys...girls are more argumentative in my opinion.

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal? depends..I actually think that when you turn 18, it should be more important since you're an adult...or maybe even 13, since you're a turning into a young adult. But "Sweet 16" can be fun because that's when you have a huge party. Smile

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc? Some of them are good because they can educate teens, but some of them can be a horrible role model for some ppl, for example "my super sweet sixteen" lol....but that's just my opinion. A lot of shows show too many things about image also, which is not good for some teens.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?Umm...some of the things are sometimes too grown because I see a lot of teens that are dressed innapropriate for their age, but there are some okay clothes that are not so outrageous.


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Some thoughts from other girls? Empty Re: Some thoughts from other girls?

Post by kiya_sta Tue Feb 27, 2007 4:23 pm

Who do you think is easier to talk to, other girls or boys? Umm..I think that boys are easier to talk to in a way...Other people might not agree but I've been through a lot of things with girls and they almost always seem to be two-faced or gossipers.

Do you disagree more with boys or girls? I disagree with more girls...I never really have a problem with boys...girls are more argumentative in my opinion.

Do you think "Sweet 16" should be a big deal? depends..I actually think that when you turn 18, it should be more important since you're an adult...or maybe even 13, since you're a turning into a young adult. But "Sweet 16" can be fun because that's when you have a huge party. Smile

What do you think about TV shows about teens, or even the women in today's tv drama's,etc? Some of them are good because they can educate teens, but some of them can be a horrible role model for some ppl, for example "my super sweet sixteen" lol....but that's just my opinion. A lot of shows show too many things about image also, which is not good for some teens.

What do you think about the clothes marketed to teens?Umm...some of the things are sometimes too grown because I see a lot of teens that are dressed innapropriate for their age, but there are some okay clothes that are not so outrageous.


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